Level 3, Defens Haus, Cnr Champion Pde & Hunter St, Port Moresby, PNG
Maritime Emergency (675) 305 4631

Navigation - Papua New Guinea National Maritime Safety Authority

Marine Navigation is the planning of the movement and actual navigation of a vessel from one place to another. Mariners with adequate training, sea time experience and practical knowledge of the maritime environment are required to navigate a vessel within Papua New Guinea waters.

To assist and promote safe navigation practices, NMSA is responsible for providing the following services:

Aids to Navigation

Aids to Navigation are lights installed to help a mariner determine the ships position and course, warn of dangers or obstructions, or provide advice about the location of a best or preferred route.

Navigational Charts

A total of 87 paper charts and Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) covering Papua New Guinea waters, published by the Australian Hydrographic Service (AHS) under an agreement. The paper charts are available in small, medium and large scale to suit various navigation purposes.

Nautical Documents

The following nautical documents published by Australia and UK cover PNG.

Notice to Mariners, Sailing Directions – NP60 Pacific Islands Pilot Vol 1, NP15 Australia Pilot Vol 3 List of Lights

Reporting Information

Mariners are requested to notify NMSA as soon as possible when you encounter the following:

  • New or suspected dangers to navigation discovered
  • Changes observed in aids to navigation
  • Corrections to publications where necessary

To report any new information, complete the Hydrographic Note Form and send via email to hydro@nmsa.gov.pg or by fax 321 0873.

To download forms click on links below:

Further Information:

International Hydrographic Organisation
International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities

Quick Links:

Aids to Navigation
Paper Charts
Vessel Tracking & Monitoring
Notice to Mariners
Information Resources

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