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NMSA detained eight logging vessels in Gasmata, WNB Province - Papua New Guinea National Maritime Safety Authority

The National Maritime Safety Authority will not hesitate to detain ships and vessels not complying to its regulations.

Those vessels including logging barges or pontoons are also under the radar of the NMSA and must always comply whilst doing business in the country.

NMSA General Manager and CEO Paul Unas made these remarks following the detainment of eight logging vessels from the Gasmata area in West New Britain last week by its Enforcement team.

The eight vessels are PNG registered to the Rimbunan Hijau group and had identified deficiencies including no proper validation of certificates.

“Any vessels either it be a logging, passengers and or cargo vessels that are found to not comply with NMSA regulations will be detained by our Inspectors until the deficiencies identified are rectified,” said Mr Unas.

Only last week, NMSA fined owners of MV Microstep who ran aground in the China Strait in Alotau causing damage to the Coral Reef.

NMSA team led by the Enforcement Manager, Joseph Pyawan, said the inspection was carried out to determine the data on the number of Tug Boats and Barges or Pontoons that are still in operational conditions including those which have been left idle without use and may become wrecks posing threats to the environment and hazards to safe navigation.

There were seven log ponds in the area, the team visited and inspected all vessels operating in PERE, PENILO, SAMBALPA, CAMP 14 and AJ Log ponds, these ponds are located in remote Gasmata in Pomio, ENBP and Kandrian in the WNBP.

West New Britain Province has one of the highest logging ponds in the country, and number of logging vessels or pontoons operating in and around the logging sites are subjected also to NMSA regulations.

Mr Unas is calling on the owners of all logging vessels in the country to comply and adhere to NMSA regulations and the relevant certification process and validation to avoid detainment and that may result in loss of business continuity

He added that failure to comply will attract detainment and penalty fees before vessels are released.

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